U.S. Bancorp (USB) stock is trading at an all-time high on Friday impatiently looking forward to the approaching Q3 quarter financial report. Shares closed at $62.33 barely changing a 0.73%; new all-time highs are set at $62.62. These new all-time highs arrive after reaching other 2 highs in the last 10 days

U.S. Bancorp (USB) is posting quarterly financial report next Thursday. Wall Street estimates of $1.14, compared to Q2 that made $1.28.

U.S. Bancorp outperformed its competitors for the last 4 weeks, making a 11.80%. In contrast, in the same period, Bank of America (BAC) made a 7.60%, Wells Fargo (WFC) made a 6.70%, Citi (C) made a 2.00%, National Bank (NBHC) marked a 16.40% and Great Southern Bancorp (GSBC) marked a 7.90%. Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citi are presenting financial report in the coming days.

U. S. Bancorp, a financial services holding company, provides various financial services in the United States. It operates in Corporate and Commercial Banking, Consumer and Business Banking, Wealth Management and Investment Services, Payment Services, and Treasury and Corporate Support segments.. The stock is part of the Banks - Regional industry in the Financial sector. The company employs 70,000 people worldwide and has its headquarters in Minneapolis, United States. Find further details at its corporate site at http://www.usbank.com.